Relay Type Voltage Regulators
- Normal Range: Input: 160 V - 250 V (AC) (1 Phase + Neutral)
- Wide Range: Input: 130 V - 250 V (AC) (1 Phase + Neutral)
- Output: 220 V (AC) (1 Phase + Neutral)
- Safe usage with all electrical devices.
- Working Principle: Full automatic relay type system
- Regulation Speed: 90 V/sec
- Output Waveform: Sinusoidal
- High Sensitivity at Output: ±3%
- Display: Digital for input and ouput voltages
- Measurment Technique: True RMS
- Efficiency: Higher than 98%
- Load transfer via By-Pass pole switch
- Protection against low and over voltage (optional)
- High endurance against electrical noise
- Silent running